Wednesday, February 21, 2007

#13 (Week 6) and tagging

So I now have an account on and on LibraryThing. I think LibraryThing has potential for helping me find new books that I'll like but am not already aware of. is helpful in that it makes each individual's efforts to keep up with a particular subject available to all who are interested in that subject, and that is done through the tagging. Tagging is somewhat imprecise, but still workable. I do like being able to access my bookmarks from anywhere, not just from my earthlink account. I'm also beginning to see how clicking on one of my bookmarks, and then seeing what other people have to say, and other things they tag, and thus finding some interesting links that I might not have discovered otherwise. Certainly one way libraries can use this technology is as another way to share information with each other.

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